I love me some patty pan squash. In the past I've stuffed them with mac-n-cheese and chili but I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with these bad boys yet. I could go ahead and make my faux-chetta which was a hit last year around this time, or I could go off the deep end and make something totally new. I'll keep you posted.
If you haven't gotten to your local farmers market yet this summer you'd better get a move on! It's amazing how quickly things go in and out of season. Last weeks cherries are gone and blueberries are in. Squash is everywhere in every shape, size and color. Garlic, onions, lettuces, beets, Swiss chard, tomatoes, cucumbers. I'm tellin' ya! Get your ass down there before the season is over and your stuck with supermarket produce.
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