Around a month ago I came to the brilliant conclusion that freezing my cache of Peter Peppers was easier and better than dehydrating them.
My freezer up and died so they are in the garbage now, along with a bag of melted blueberry juice, a bag of melted Mojito cubes, a few bags of thawed veggies for stock, some un-frozen jalapenos and a good portion of the basil and pesto I'd frozen for the winter months.
Thankfully I have 8 trays of basil in the dehydrator. I dried a tray of oregano too but it seemed to lose all it's flavor. Ah, well. Live and learn. Hopefully the growing season will keep on truckin' and my herbs will keep on growin'.
My peter pepper plants are still producing, so I suppose I'll be able to replenish what I lost. And the ice cream garden is still going strong, so I have plenty of herb drying in my future. Mints, pineapple sage, lemon verbana, rosemary. Mmmm.
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