I spend a good portion of each day thinking about what I'm going to eat. More specifically I think about what I'm going to make. Some days all I want to make is a phone call to Outpost Pizza. Other days I feel like making a four-course meal. Today I wanted to make a baked potato.
But what shall I make of this baked potato. Melted butter, cheddar cheese - I've travelled down that tasty road many, many times. I want something different!
My mind quickly went to one of my favorite "simple" dinners - Granny Smith Apples and Melted Brie. And thusly my dinner was born.
Bake a potato with olive oil, salt and pepper on the outside. Split it open, season with salt and pepper and mush in some butter. Stuff with a few slices of Brie, put it back in the oven to melt the cheese. Top with sliced apples and BANG!
Really tasty. Different yet familiar.
Bang on, my peeps!
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