So I'm going with the four-course meal of muffins. You're looking at the salad course - a savory zucchini muffin with marjoram, rosemary and lemon verbena from the garden. Quite tasty, especially with a dash of balsamic. And I have the perfect plate - a fish plate with a built-in depression. It's probably meant for sushi and soy sauce, but I'm going muffin and balsamic. Boo-yeah.
Yesterday I had a very good trial run of my chocolate olive oil quick bread that will be served as the entree like a steak with hot oil from the garden. I had my first trial run on Sunday and it was a disaster. Not really a disaster, but it didn't rise enough, it didn't hold together, it was dry, not sweet enough and generally yucky.
I tweaked it. Apple sauce. Works wonders.
Over the next few days I will be finalizing my other two courses, corn dog muffins wrapped in bacon and served on a stick and vanilla muffin ice cream cones.
Stay Tuned!
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